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Keto Protein Vanilla Almond Shake

If you’re cutting carbs or trying to lose weight, this sweet smoothie is for you. High in healthy fat and low in sugars, it’s a great way to keep hunger at bay while giving your body the essential nutrients it needs to shed pounds and perform at peak levels.

What is Keto?

Essentially, “keto” is the shortened term for “the ketogenic diet,” an eating regimen that focuses on minimal carb intake. After several days of limiting carbs and sugar, your body will start to burn ketones instead of glucose.

Though many of us have grown up believing carbs are essential for energy and brain function, ketones actually burn cleaner than carbs. They’re an incredibly pure source of fuel which brain and body may actually prefer to glucose.

A Great Place to Start: Keto Protein Shake

Whether you’re already following a ketogenic regime, need a powerhouse post-workout smoothie, or want to start taking advantage of high-fat, low-carb eating, I like to sum up a generally healthy approach to eating in this way: “Some days high, some days low, some days no.”

Though I tend to use this mantra when talking about calories, you can just as easily use it to drive your carb intake.

To support days of low-carb eating, this healthy smoothie is a great one to have in your recipe box.

Since most smoothies are full of high-sugar fruits and sweeteners, I wanted to create a delicious fruit-free smoothie that will still allow you to start your day with essential nutrients. This recipe delivers. It tastes like a creamy vanilla-almond mousse.

In fact, it’s so good you could swap it in for dessert, though I think it’s best when consumed for breakfast. It’ll keep your hunger at bay, pack your morning meal with plant-based protein and help fuel your body with clean energy.

Not a bad way to whip up a smoothie, eh?

Keto Protein Vanilla Almond Shake

How to make Keto Protein Vanilla Almond Shake


  • 1-2 avocados
  • 2 tbsp almond butter
  • 1 tbsp MCT Oil
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 cup frozen cauliflower
  • 1 tbsp vanilla
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (optional)
  • stevia (to taste)


  1. Put all ingredients together in a blender. Blend until pureed.

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